Getting Started

1. The first step to getting started is to contact Dr. Meyers by phone to discuss your situation and ascertain which service would best suit your needs (in-person, online, or phone sessions).  At this time you will also be making an appointment time that best fits your schedule.

2.  If you have chosen to see Dr. Meyers in-person or online you must fill out required paperwork which can be found here  “Forms“. After completing the paperwork you can either fax or mail them to Dr. Meyers (239-352-0737) prior to your appointment. Getting this done prior to your appointment will give you more face to face time to be able to evaluate and set goals. Your first session is a two-hour appointment, this is to ensure that everything is finished and you can start accomplishing your set goals.

3.  If you will be utilizing the online or phone options for therapy, Dr. Meyers will be asking you to pay for services prior to your session because insurance does not cover online or phone therapy.  This can be accomplished by contacting Dr Meyers and discussing payment options.  If you have questions about Online/Phone Therapy please contact Dr Meyers, he will be glad to answer all your questions.

4. If you will be utilizing the online therapy option you must first contact Dr. Meyers and he will walk you through the simple steps to gain access to the online platform. Due to technology, online therapy has become as simple as responding to a text that will take you straight to your session.